Friday, January 30, 2009


My first sighting of a Streetfighter motorsickles came during my varsity days in UK way back in the late 90’s. Sitting like so many other regular Joes bangin bollocks in the back of London’s fabled black cab (fox cabs in Leicestershire), I noticed an odd-looking motorsickle idling loudly next to us at a crowded crossroad (somewhere around Granby Street). The bike’s inverted fork was topped with a pair of cute little foglights and had a funny looking housing that holds it. I reckon it may be some sort of a home made fabrication that resembles fox’s head or even a hogs head. Ironically, Leicester is a fox county hence, the idea of a Fox bike headlight???? Maybe huh…

The rider gripped a set of upright handlebar probably an MX (motocross bike). Reminds me of my unc’s ‘Renthal’ handle bar on his old 125 Yamaha DT. While the end-can or rather, what was left of it as it had been chopped down about 10 inches, and from my little knowledge of exhaust system I could tell that this bastard is only into high-end revving and sprint – buzzed like a beehive set on fire.

While I was analyzing the situation the rider caught me checking him out (the machine of course!!! not his bum bum bluekkk), then he flipped his helmet visors and gave one long stare at me.. heheh I of coursed pretended pointing at something somewhere in the streets and having my mate next to me to agree on me gibberish…and me mate went “wtf that’s a wicked looking bastardized machine, huh! A twat he is if he thinks he really can pull a wheelie or even smoke the rear..” haha Tomas was his name crazy Irish and a smashin good mate ‘god bless him, whatever he is up to nowadays’.. for a while I imagined that the rider may thought we were making fun of him or his rundown machine and the fear of him smashing his helmet into our cab window is just to much for a tiny Asian like me to swallow..I tell you if it happens, guess I’ll be in the royal infirmary for a while, long enough to enjoy English breakfast served in bed I reckon ha-ha..

The factory fitted fairings or body works was mostly missing, and remained was painted an ugly white and grey urban camouflage. As the light turned green the rider once again noticed me staring and he facking hoisted the obligatory, sky-high wheelie!! Smashin! The word uttered from Tomas’s mouth.. unbelievable, shocked and astonished all at the same time..

WTF was this strange beast I just eyed balled? A prop from a final Mel Gibson’s Road Warrior movie sequel? Some poor motorsickle dispatched had dropped his machine once too many time and hadn’t bothered fixing the damaged fairings? Or DID THE MACHINE LOOK LIKED THAT ON PURPOSED, and had I just witnessed first hand, up close but not so personal a new breed of custom motorcycle movement that we hadn’t seen in cruiser / factory superbike- obsessed Malaysia? Couple of weeks later, when I drop by a neighborhood news stand and saw my first copy of Streetfighters magazine, I then realized that the bike’s “accidental-looking” design was 100% on purposed.

I started to grow fond and eventually worship the idea of Streetfighting motorsickle. From the machines to the outfits.. Boo hoo stock bikes and factory cruisers. Hello custom cruisers and Streetfighter-ed race bikes…

The ultimate experience in motorsickle…I get so excited when ever there’s a streetfighter rally and bike show normally held in the NEC, Birmingham. Upon returning to beloved Motherland, I started to work on my own little streetfigther project. From a Standard EN500 pocket rocket cruiser to a Streetfighter, hence the birth of Kwakamunster….

My old man’s famous line “ Maan Muto Nuh!!!!” literally translates “ Eat the bike!!!” hahaha…

From This:-

To this:-

Ignore the blokes..cheapest rate available

Next project maybe baby..


Motorcycling back then was rather an orthodox activity performed during free time mostly weekends as far as biking scene is concerned in kuching IMHO. Long haul rides or quickies “kopitiam ride” is a norm. I don’t recall any pure technical riders among our usual weekend groupie. “Spotless, lots of blings fitted on their machine..simply a religious experience having to own and maintain a superbike.

Support was poor, tho many resulted to becoming an overnight self proclaimed expert of their own machines. I on the other hand is a certified dissembler ONLY..“mit sekoru nya nai ehh” said Dad (Trans: Take the bloody screw driver and F***ing just do it!)
Road conditions was rather poor, twisties little to none.. hence the birth of many Iron butts. Having move to the big apple (KL), things became a bit more smashin-ish. Good roads, endless twisties, fantastic race track facilities and above all being acquainted with one to many speed demons, theorist and track junkies and simply Fast FAT boys.

Then you get to the more technical part of riding techniques and skills, high speed cornering, counter steering, late braking, chicken strips, hangin off, lowering down CGs, racing lines and lots more are just some unfamiliar terms to me before I met Duke. Duke aka meat grinder aka sounds like a broken engine is one helluva sexy and torquey Italian Dayung.. simply a Ducati Experience.

The transition from Inline fours to an L twin was not a walk in a park either. You’ll get smooth power delivery on inline 4 engines sport bikes but not on an L Twin especially Ducati-the torque is unbelievably mind blowing and at low revs, it’ll sound so angry that the only way to please it is to whack the throttle open. It’s designed to be tracked focus and 0 ergos for daily commuting..the 916 SP of course (while some may not agree).. just love the ol’ lady.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hello World!

My Other Half, (er, I'm not talking about my bike, it's the 'human' half other) has been pestering me to record down my relationship, opss my journey with my bikes and my riding, so that the day when I am too old to even hold my wrench, there'll be something to look back. So here you go, my very first posting for this blog.

Here is my pride and joy...

At the moment. Ducati 916SP.

p/s: This is not even my writing. She wrote it herself.